Camden County Hall of Justice. 101 South 5th Street. Camden, New Jersey 08103. 856-650-9100 ; Camden Probation - Building 6. 6 Executive Campus Route 70. Cherry ...
New Jersey Superior Court
The Superior Court is the state court in the U.S. state of New Jersey, with statewide trial and appellate jurisdiction.
Address: 101 S 5th St, Camden, NJ 08103
Hours: Opens soon ⋅ 8:30 AM
Phone: (856) 650-9100 ⋅ (856) 379-2200
The office handles all pre-adjudicatory functions of the Superior Court, Criminal Division, as well as Post Conviction Motions. Disorderly persons, petty ...
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What cases go to Superior Court in NJ?
How do I contact the Superior Court of New Jersey?
What is the difference between municipal court and Superior Court in New Jersey?
How much does a Superior Court judge make in New Jersey?
101 S 5th St. Camden, NJ 08103 ; (856) 650-9100 ; Visit Website. ; More Info. Hours.
Mitchell H. Cohen Building & U.S. Courthouse 4th & Cooper Streets Room 1050. Camden, NJ 08101 ˇ Office Hours : 9AM-4PM Mon-Fri/Drop Box until 6PM ˇ Phone : 856- ...
Offering a wide array of services, including self-representation in court, appeals, child support and custody matters, and expunging court records.
For more information about the services provided by the Surrogate Court, please call (856) 225-7282 or email Contacts: ...
101 S 5th St, Camden, NJ, US. Open in Waze. (856) 650-9100 ˇ Closed now. Monday08:30 - 16:30. Tuesday08:30 - 16:30. Wednesday08:30 - 16:30.
Camden. Mitchell H. Cohen Building & U.S. Courthouse 4th & Cooper Streets Camden, NJ 08101 856-757-5021 ˇ Newark. Martin Luther King Building & U.S. Courthouse
The New Jersey Superior Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction that hears both criminal and civil cases.
Superior Court of New Jersey Law Division, Special Civil Part Camden County. File in this court. We make it easy. File an Answer ˇ 856-650-9100 ext. 43230