inauthor: United States. President from
United States. President. 253 Statement by the President Concerning Myron Taylor's Mission 254 Citation ... in author- ity . Mr. Taylor will also resume his efforts in respect to the reorganization of the Italian Red Cross ...
inauthor: United States. President from
... President , 1981 , " passim . For the inter- national comparisons , see Bruce ... [ in author's possession ] ) . Data for the comparisons derive from ... United States 1995 , ( Washington , D.C .: Government Printing Office , 1995 ) ...
inauthor: United States. President from
... John Aylmer , The Un - Demanding Cook Book ( Bloomington , IN : Author- House , 2008 ) , 36 . 381. The Jefferson Bible . 382. Letter to John Adams , January 24 , 1814 , ME 13-14 : 72 . 383. Letter to Charles Thomson , January 9 , 1816 ...
inauthor: United States. President from
Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress United States. Congress. States by the final protocol for the settle- ment of the disturbances in China of 1900 . 62 CONG . REC . 4300 ( 1922 ) . Finally , since it is the President who is ...
inauthor: United States. President from
... President " to pro- test against the course of the British Government in author- izing , encouraging , and ... States would continue negotiations in the hope of reaching an agreement that might conduce to a good understanding and ...
inauthor: United States. President from
... President determines to be consistent with the United States policy of obtaining full and open competition to such ... in author- izing the provision of services to , from , or within the United States over space segment of the ...
inauthor: United States. President from
United States. Water Resources Policy Commission. control purposes are required to be paid to the state involved for the benefit of public schools and public roads of the county or counties in which such property is situated . 681 In author ...