Walter Fred Berns Jr. (May 3, 1919 – January 10, 2015) was an American constitutional law and political philosophy professor. He was a resident scholar at ...
Berns is the John M. Olin University Professor Emeritus at Georgetown University and has taught at Louisiana State, Yale, Cornell, Colgate and the University ...
Walter Fred Berns Jr. was an American constitutional law and political philosophy professor. He was a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a professor emeritus at Georgetown University. Wikipedia
Born: May 3, 1919, Chicago, IL
Died: January 10, 2015 (age 95 years), Bethesda, MD
Education: The University of Chicago (1953), University of Iowa, and Reed College
Walter Berns is the John M. Olin University Professor Emeritus at Georgetown University and a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
An introduction to the writings and ideas of the scholar of the American Constitutional scholar Walter Berns (1919 - 2005).
Recent Games. Dec 4, at Kirkwood Community College, W, 83-62. Dec 7, Ellsworth Community College, L, 84-74. Dec 14, at Iowa Lakes Community College ...
Jan 14, 2015 ˇ Walter Berns, a distinguished constitutional scholar and government professor whose disgust with Cornell University's response to the armed takeover of a ...
Jan 13, 2015 ˇ Walter Berns had good reason to be standoffish when I arrived at the American Enterprise Institute as the Weyerhaeuser Scholar in 2002.
IN 1790-91, Supreme Court Justice James Wilson delivered a series of lectures on the law at what was to become the University of Pennsylvania and before an ...
Walter Berns. resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute, and editor of "After the People Vote: A Guide to the Electroal College"
In his short collection of essays, Walter Berns explores the history of patriotism and identifies why it has achieved such a unique plateau here in the United ...