... Bayley , born 13th March , 1780 ; was in the H.E.I.C.S. Bengal establishment . He died in Cambridge Square , Hyde Park , on January 19th , 1865. Charles ... Mary Stuart Bayley , eldest daughter , BAYLEYS OF MANCHESTER AND HOPE . 219.
... Bayley Family Records , compiled by M. S. T. Clive Bayley , vol . 1 , In " Great Grandmother's Days : a family record , " compiled by Mary Stuart Theophila Clive Bayley , dated 1925 , pp . 24—6 . 97 British Library , Add Mss . 37,311 ...
... Bayley . It is assumed that all of these children were born in Hardwick , VT ) . The tenth child of this family , Frederick Elsworth Bailey , b . in ... Mary Stuart . MOVING WEST EDWARD BAILEY OF MASSACHUSETTS , HAWAII , AND 17 184.
... Mary , da . of Sir Charles Stuart Bayley , G.C.I.E. , K.C.S.I. , I.S.O.:- Marjorie Mary , b . 1913 . The 1st baronet , an eminent Railway Engineer , was Engineer - in - Ch . of the Forth Bridge . The 3rd baronet , Sir John Edward , Capt ...
... Bayley ) : m . 1850 , Sir Edward Clive Bayley , K.C.S.I. [ see KNIGHTAGE ] , and has issue living , Charles ... Mary Stewart Theophila Clive , -Charlotte Canning Anstruther Clive , -Teresa Selina Clive . Residence , The Wilderness ...
... Mary Stuart Theophila Clive Bayley . ' Mary Clive Bayley was the great - granddaughter of Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe , first Baronet ( 1745-1813 ) , Director of the East India Company , 1782- 1813 , and granddaughter of Sir ...
... Mary Stewart Bayley . She was a daughter of William Butter- worth Bayley , who acted for a short time as Governor General of India in the interval between Lord Amherst and Lord William Bentinck , and who was for many years , after his ...
... Bayley , K.C.S.I. , C.L.E. , Bengal C.S. , who d . 1884 , leaving issue ... MARY , MRS . W. F. BAUGHAN , dau . of Henry Taylor ; m . 1858 , William ... STUART BAYLEY , K.C.S.I. ( 1908 ) , C.S.I. ( 1903 ) ; I.C.S .; ed . at Harrow ...