Something Borrowed is also very well written---nice, spare prose, which kept me pressing forward, agog to know what happened. This is a book which takes a clear-eyed look at the rivalry that exists in even the best of friendships.
Irwin Chusid profiles a number of "outsider" musicians - those who started as "outside" and eventually came "in" when the listening public caught up with their radical ideas.
It will be of interest to all those in philosophy, cultural studies and art theory. The volume also contains an interview with Guattari which clearly restates the 'aesthetic paradigm' that organizes both his and Deleuze's work.
This is an exciting new edition of R.W. Connell's ground-breaking text, which has become a classic work on the nature and construction of masculine identity.
In this inspiring memoir in graphic novel form, the author relates his friendship with an HIV-positive AIDS activist while they were roommates during the filming of the MTV show "Real World".
"With tenderness and wit, this story captures the magic of building strong childhood memories. The Browns and Syed celebrate the special bond between parent and child with joy and flair.
Hence, this book explores the processes of women's and feminist media production in the context of participatory spaces, technology, and cultural citizenship. The collection is composed of theoretical analyses and critical case studies.
"This book tells the story of four men - L.F.Giblin, J.B. Brigden, D.B.Copland, and Roland Wilson - who, in 1920s Tasmania, formed a personal and intellectual bond that was to prove a pivot of economic thought, policy-making and institution ...
In addition to the original ecolinguistic topics of language interrelation, language endangerment and language pressure, Ecolinguistics Reader also gives due consideration to the themes of biological and linguistic diversity as well as the ...